Monday, August 31, 2009

God is so faithful!

Nixon and I were so blessed by some friends visiting us this weekend. We met Carol and Bob about 3 years ago and we just hit it off. Though we've never even lived in the same city, we have genuine affection for each other. We've always prayed for each other and remembered each other. Sometimes Nixon and I will think of them and pray for them. They are those kind of special people that we run into in life sometimes.
Out of the blue they called and said they were taking a few days off from their ministry work and were coming to Jacmel. We enjoyed the pleasure of their company on Saturday afternoon (I was so glad I felt better) and then I had the pleasure of making dinner for them on Sunday evening.
We talked, shared our hearts with each other(our passions), caught up on life, and even had a beautiful time of prayer together.
It is so funny that we met during a very distasteful experience 3 years ago and our relationship with each other has just grown in such a God way despite the fact we are so far away from each other and are really quite different from each other.
God is so amazing, strange, and good. We felt so blessed this weekend, so special, and so loved.
We were reminded of God's tender care and heard his voice echo, "you are my treasured children, I will never leave you or forsake you, just trust Me."
Lord, there are no words to express my gratitude. Thank you for "visiting" us this weekend in a very special way. We love You so much Lord. Blessed be Your Name in all the heavens and in all the earth.

1 comment:

Dave said...

I'm so happy for you to have had that experience. I'm even more glad for me to have read your account and to be blessed by your hearts!

Tell Nixon: "you're the man!"