Friday, August 14, 2009

Days off

Days off
The ministry decided to give us all one day a week where we could hopefully take a "day off".
Two weeks ago, the week of VBS in Chabin, was our first "day off". Nixon was very reluctant to not going to Chabin since he and Naomi were doing worship and he was also translating the lesson, and some more. Sometimes he really hates getting "too busy" but loves being used.
Anyway, he finally agreed. Norma and I were going to stay back and SCRAPBOOK, which we ABSOLUTELY LOVE TO DO! (Wish you all could see it, it is done, for now).
Nixon slept in a little and then got up and went to check things downstairs. He found muddy water in the cistern below and found muddy water in all the showers and toilets. OH NO!
Our poor team had bravely dealt with the dirty water situation. You guys are great! Nixon spent the whole morning with Wiskey, who was "passing through". They drained the cisterns on top of the building, scrubbed the cisterns out, and then put clean water in. What a chore!

My big black chocolate kiss was busy for the rest of the day.
This week was our second "day off". We have a team of two in town and so I got up to make breakfast for them. Then I cleaned up the house a bit. Nixon got up early to get some things done too. I am not sure what time it was, i think around 11am, when Danny came in and said something about my "day off". Ha! I had forgotten. I made lunch for the guys downstairs and worked around on the second floor, after taking a delicious little nap. I am so glad Danny reminded me of my "day off".
All in all though, I think a day off is a great idea (hopefully it will not remain just an "idea").
I could use a little more "baby making" time. LOL!!! TMI!


Chelsea said...

hahahaha! you've got me cracking up sandra!

we DEFINITELY appreciated y'all's hard work on your day off a few weeks guys are awesome!

miss you!

Anonymous said...

Who took the wonderful pictures? LOL! Just kidding! Days off are sometimes more work than regular days!