Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Drink Water!!!!!!!!!!!

Nixon and I sat with Rick today, discussing possible basic health presentations that could be brought to Haiti through teams.
A couple of hours later one of my boys came up telling Nixon he wanted some Tylenol because of his headache. Nixon turns and tells me how he always seems to have a headahe. This is actually very true, except for the always(more like often).
When will my boys learn that they NEED TO DRINK WATER!!!!
I asked my boy if he had drank water. It was 3pm and he said, "of course".
"How much?", I asked. "Two whole glasses." "Ay Ay Ay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I gave him a Propel packet and told him to find a water bottle and fill it.
Geez Louis!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the picture of you and the boys. It is a good picture of all of you together!