Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Children of Haiti

They are beautiful! They run and play and yet they are accustomed to work as well. Many of them haul water and the girls handwash at an early age. They are better than I am at the handwashing thing. It is also common to see the children taking care of their siblings. They walk miles and miles to get to school. Sadly, many stop going to school at an early age. And sadly, many eat once or no times a day. Hunger is an epidemic in Haiti. Way too many children are malnourished and have yellow hair as well as bloated tumies, ussually filled with worms. They are very beautiful. Michelle, a fellow missionary friend, and I often talk about these Haitian children being the most beautiful children we've ever seen. Nixon and I both love children. They often come to the gate of the Village and yell out "Monsieur Nixon" in hopes that Nixon will give them candy. No matter what happens, they always seem to be smiling. Nixon and I had the opportunity to work with children when we were working with YWAM Jacmel and since then have had the opportunity to teach them English and we are now taking charge of a Junior church program at the church we attend here in Haiti. We are proud to say that we have 50-80 kids on a weekly basis, who are learning more about who God is. We are assisted with our Junior church program by HCH, Directors, Larry, and the children of HCH. We have a lot of fun with the kids, often doing skits, learning choreographies, and doing little presentations for the church who meets downstairs. Originally we started the program because the church had grown so much and the children no longer fit downstairs. You never know what the Lord has in store. Nixon and I will also be starting a children's Bible hour on Saturday mornings and taking advantage of that love that the children have for us so that we can introduce them to One that is SO MUCH GREATER!! AMEN?!

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