Saturday, October 31, 2009

Another one of those "where am I?" moments

I was looking out my window, people watching, a couple of days ago. I actually was looking down as the spinner wrang my load of laundry.
I watched the neighbor's rat run around the yard for a while. I thought the neighbors had finally managed to kill it but with the yard empty, Kiko, decided to come out and sniff around. He is a very healthy looking rat. I watched him run around, wash himself, watched the different holes he climbs in. Don't get me wrong, rats are not my kind of animal, pet, whatever. It is just that I can watch him without worrying since I am watching him from the 3rd story and he is out there while I am in here. That is exactly how it is going to stay. LOL!
Then the neighbors came back and Kiko returned to one of hiding places. I watched the 3 year old boy run around the yard and play with whatever hazardous object he could find. The woman that I think is the child's mother did not pay the child any attention other than to occasionally yell at him. She was preparing the wash tub to wash her "whites". As usual, Haitian women use a white soap to do laundry. It ussually comes in long sticks and they use a knife to cut it into pieces so that it dissolves in the tub of water as they wash the clothes. The little boy picked up the knife as the woman set it down. This knife was "huge". Who knows if it was sharp at all but it did make me cringe. I've worked with children for a long time now and we know that that kind of thing is a NO NO! The mother watched him as he ran around the yard with the giant knife. He set it in the little bench just as the mother sat down. If the knife would of still been pointing up, she would have learned why children should not play with knives.
Yep, it is definitely a different world here. Ay ay ay.

1 comment:

nanajobx said...

so this "Ay,Ay,Av!" that Nia is fond of saying comes from you! :)
I still havn't gotten use to no car seats in Haiti!