It seems we've had beautiful mornings lately. I remember Sandi Patti's- was it a morning like this? and Steve Green's morning songs.
We went to sleep Sunday night knowing that we would have to get up very early. We heard the prayer ladies would come to our house come Monday morning. (We had discovered that if we put the t.v. in a certain place in the living room, it gets a couple of more channels. Two really great American movies came on so we stayed up late.)The ladies came right on time. We were up at 5:30am and that is when the ladies started to gather. They sang and prayed and sang and prayed some more. It was a glorious start to the day. The highlight was us being put in the middle and the ladies praying for us, the ladies seemed to particularly target my belly since it is very unnatural to be married for almost 2 years and still not have a lil nixon.
It rained on Monday night, pretty hard. It was feeling unbearably hot for a while and it seemed like it just would not rain. Monday night the rain came. We got a little thunder with it, the rain woke me up as it was coming in through the window and sprinkling my face. At about 5 a.m. we heard ladies marching up the street, but they were singing hymns. How glorious. I heard them, as if in a dream. I tried to open my eyes and get up but had no success. The rain obviously did not keep these prayer warriors from doing a prayer march.
On Tuesday night it rained hard, off and on all night. It thundered and rained hard. It was like God's power and grace rolled up into one perfect package.
We've had wonderful mornings lately and my heart is full of thanksgiving. God is Good.